Services Update for 3/22/20
Posted on Mar 20, 2020 in General, Newsletter |
We will not have public services on campus on 3/22/20
We will have Live Feed at 10:30 am on the closed group “Living Faith Live” on Facebook. If you are not apart of this group, please let us know so we can get you connected.
Services Update
Posted on Mar 18, 2020 in General, Newsletter |
3/18/2020 Services Update
We will not meet tonight on campus, but we will do a Live Feed Service only @ 7:00 pm.
We will follow the guidelines from the CDC in the future. As of right now the guidelines are no more than 50 people in a public gathering. The Presidential guidelines are no more than 10 in a public gathering for the next 8 weeks. We expect the CDC to lower its number to 10 as well.
We are working to get everyone connect and plan on doing online Live Facebook services.
Breakfast Fellowship;
Posted on Sep 28, 2019 in Newsletter |
Breakfast Potluck Fellowship in the morning @ 9:00 am. Please bring breakfast foods. Join Us!
Service Times Change
Posted on Aug 30, 2019 in General, Newsletter |
After a 3 month trail the church has decided to move our Sunday Night Service to 9:00 am each Sunday. We will not have regularly scheduled service each week on Sunday night. This leaves Sunday nights open for fellowships or special services or some family time with your family. The intent of moving our service times was to increase or create some moments where members could spend time visiting with each other. It also helps those driving long distance or those who have difficulty driving at night.
Please note that the two services each Sunday are uniquely different. They are not the same service.
NewService Times;
Worship @ 9:00 am
Sunday School @ 9:45 am
Worship @ 10:30 am
Fish Fry
Posted on May 18, 2018 in Newsletter |
May 20th after our evening service we will have a fish fry fellowship. We are ask for desserts and drinks. Fish or Chicken, Baked Beans, Coleslaw and Potato Salad will be provided. We will be honoring our only graduate for 2018.
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Posted on Mar 28, 2018 in Newsletter |

Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt – Friday March 30th, 2018 – 7:30 pm at the Church. Prize Eggs, Snacks and Fun! Be sure to bring your own flashlight and bags for the eggs you find. Age division for those who are in the 6th grade and down to toddlers.
Easter Egg Hunt
Posted on Apr 3, 2017 in Newsletter |

Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt will be on April 14th, 2017. We will begin at 7:30 pm and will end when all eggs are found. We will have prize eggs and refreshments after the hunt. We invite the public to join us! Bring a flashlight and big basket! The hunt will begin as soon as it is dark. This event is for 6th grade and down. We will divide the field into 3 age groups.
Chili Cook-off & Baked Goods Auction
Posted on Feb 21, 2017 in Newsletter |
Chili Cook-Off & Baked Goods Auction will be Saturday, Feb. 25th in the fellowship hall. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway if you’d like to bring a pot of Chili. Chili will be judged at 5:30pm and supper will begin at 6:00 pm. We will also need condiments for chili (cheese, crackers, etc…) along with deserts and drinks.
Baked Goods Auction, will begin after supper and there is a sign up sheet for this as well. Proceeds from Auction will go to a deserving family.
Please join us this Saturday, Feb. 25th at 6:00 pm for a night of good food and a lot of fun!!