
1410496158Jerry Grimes – Pastor

Jerry and Karin Grimes

moved to Fort Smith in August 2008 from Siloam Springs, AR where Bro. Grimes served as pastor for 5-1/2 years. Before moving to Siloam Springs they lived in Malvern, AR working with Emmanuel MBC for 12 years and while serving as pastor Bro. Grimes also served as an instructor at the Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock, AR. Bro. Grimes also served as Youth Pastor at Holland Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Benton AR for 3 years.

Bro. Grimes has a Masters degree from the Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock, AR and serves as Publicity Director for the Arkansas State Association of Missionary Baptist Churches. He also serves as Assistant Director of Meeting Arrangements for the American Baptist Association.

Jerry and Karin were married in 1984 and have two daughters, Katherine Blackford (husband Evan) and Laura Emory (husband Trey), and nine grandchildren.

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Caleb Rowland -Youth Pastor
Caleb and Sara joined Living Faith in March, 2024.They have one son.